into the 3rd dimension
- An Ideal Birth Gift
- A Perfect Anniversary Gift
Enter your tree using this form and request a simulation
- Standard mp4
- FullHD (1920x1080)
- 30 fps
Import your GEDCOM:
- Up to 100 Megabytes
- Up to 100,000 individuals
Choose your root individual from a sorted and filtered list:
- By Last Name
- By First Name
- By year of birth
Choose a type for your tree:
- Simple ascendancy tree
- Ascendants with unions
- Simple descendancy tree
- Descendants with spouses
- Mixed (Ascendants with or without unions and Descendants with or without spouses)
- Family (Ascendants and Descendants of a couple)
Freely rotate the tree:
- Intuitively with the mouse
- Around the 3 fixed axes or the 3 own axes
- With the control panel for more precision
Move the camera:
- Sideways (left / right)
- Vertically (up / down)
- Dolly (rear / front)
Change the camera lens:
- From Wide Angle (12mm)
- To Telephoto (1200mm)
Modify objects position:
- Unitarily for an individual
- By entire column of ascendants or descendants
- Automatic grid to assist positioning
Change objects shape:
- Spheres (matt or shiny) or texts alone
- Change spheres radius
Control the display of texts:
- Globally on the whole graph
- Changing the size and color
- Display of names and / or dates and / or SOSA numbers (ascendants) and / or relative generation numbers
Make entire branches disappear or reappear:
- Masking of an individual with all its descent or ancestry
- Display of hidden individuals
Choose the display period:
- Between the oldest birth date and the most recent
- Automatic calculation of maximum amplitude
Record viewpoints:
- Tree angles
- Camera position and lens
- Size of objects and texts
- Temporal and horizontal extensions
- Selected period
- Masked individuals
- Viewpoint management (creation, modification and deletion)
Generate videos :
- mp4 standard file
- FullHD (1920x1080)
- 30 fps
- Full automatic rotation (360°) around the chosen axis
- With all display and masking options selected
- Auto Fit To Screen taken into account
- Selected time period taken into account
Insert photos :
- Accepted formats: .jpg or .png
- Embedded in the .3dgenv file
- Or referenced from an external site
- Or referenced from your local web server (localhost)
Engrave your tree in a glass block:
- Several block formats available
- Ancestry and/or progeny tree
- A perfect gift (birth, anniversary, ...)
...and more:
- Management of implexes
- Automatic estimation of missing dates
- Automatic conversion of French Republican dates
- Automatic calculation of SOSA numbers (ascendants)
- Automatic calculation of relative generation numbers (ascendants and descendants)
- Control of the number of generations to be taken into account
- Highlighting the shortest branch towards the origin
- Highlighting of the shortest path between 2 individuals via their common ancestor or descendant
- Automatic alignment of an individual on the main line of sight
- Sortable and filterable list of all the individuals present in the tree
- Display of the characteristics of the selected individual
- Save changes
- Undo / Redo on 100 levels
You have nothing to download, nothing to install, nothing to configure.
The software runs in your internet browser and only uses the most standard web techniques ((HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, AJAX)). No extension required, no need for additional library. If you regularly update your browser, which is also strongly recommended for security reasons, you should have no problem generating and viewing your trees.
Moreover, the easiest way to make sure is to explore the examples.
Not everyone has a supercomputer. We have deliberately chosen a stripped-down graphics in order to favor the fluidity of movements on a family computer (Windows or Mac).
Compatible browsers
A priori all recent browsers are compatible. However, if yours is not in the list below, make sure by exploring the examples that it behaves as shown in the documentation. The complete documentation is freely available on this site.
- Chrome
- Edge
- Safari
- Firefox
Tablets and Smartphones
Hmm! No. Modern tablets and smartphones perform like computers. Their browsers support the same standards.
However, their screen size severely limits display, including of names, and there are lots of them in a tree,
making the whole unreadable beyond a dozen individuals.
In addition, a touch screen does not offer the same precision in movement as a mouse.
In short, the software is only intended to work on a computer with a mouse,
a keyboard and a large screen with a regularly updated browser.
Your computer has a small screen but you have a large TV: use an HDMI cable to connect the two and take advantage of the size of the latter.
Pause / Play ⇒ Click anywhere in the page